Air Recirculators is the closed-type irradiators, in which ultraviolet radiation is concentrated inside the device body, and can not go out. The source of ultraviolet radiation is non-ozone bactericidal lamps with a wavelength of 253.7 nm. Ultraviolet radiation with this wavelength has a wide range of effects on microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores.
Especially effective is the use of recyclers during the occurrence of dangerous epidemiological situation. Recirculators prevent the spread of infections such as influenza, ARI, diphtheria, tuberculosis and many others by disinfecting the air in the room. In addition, scientists have found that the virus of atypical pneumonia, the epidemic of which has swept almost the whole world, is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, which means that recirculators are effective in combating the spread of this disease.
In our shop you can buy recirculators of the leading domestic producers, we especially recommend recirculators "DEZAR" - they are distinguished by high quality, the thought-over design, convenience at operation, stylish design, noiselessness and reliability.